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- TF01
- 3,The Hunter - Part 6
- 4,by Stuart Mackaness
- The Vanguard Chronicles - "The Hunter"
- ----------------------------------------
- by Stuart Mackaness
- ---------------------
- Warner instinctivly shielded his eyes, even though the computer
- filtered out any dangerous levels of brightness. The ship trembled
- slightly, a welcome change from the previous richter scale measurable
- movments.
- "Status of hunter?" he inquired.
- Karma responded hesitantly."It appeares to be... gone."
- Halk took her hand away from her eyes, the glare dying down. "What do
- you mean gone?"
- "Take an educated guess." Karma snapped.
- Halk ignored her and turned to Hermandez. "Lieutenant?"
- The tactical officer examined her display. "Confirmed, the hunter is
- no longer on sensors."
- "Long range?" Warner asked.
- Hermandez studied her panel. "Off line sir."
- Warner suddenly had a pang of dread. "Check underneath the secondary
- hull."
- After following his command, Hermandez gave a small yelp and looked
- at her controls dumbstruck. "What the..?"
- Not waiting for verbal confirmation, Warner switched his armrest
- controls to miniature versions of the tactical display. He punched in
- a small sequence of commands.
- Meanwhile, Halk was giving an order to Dean. "Move us straight up,
- three kilometres."
- "You mean it was in our blind spot!" Karma exclaimed.
- "Just like the first time." Hermandez replied, examining the
- readouts.
- The Vanguard rose further above the hunter and then rotated to face
- it. On the viewscreen the hunter lay still in space. Either dead or
- confused.
- Warner slapped his communicator."Warner to Gart. I don't know what
- you had in the shuttle but it confused the hell out the hunter."
- Hermandez let her hands fly across her console. "Photon torpedoes and
- phasers locked."
- Warner waited for a beat. "Status of it's shields?"
- "No apparent change. Although we won't be able to tell if the other
- dimensions shields are down." Karma responded.
- "It's coming about for more!" Dean announced.
- "Fire all weapons." Warner said regretfully.
- Salvos of energy and antimatter smashed into the hunter, its shields
- peeling away like the skin on an orange. One of it's long pylons
- broke off silently and tumbled away into space. A series of bright
- bursts erupted over the hull. The hull began to bubble and wither.
- The punishment stopped and the hunter lay adrift, dark scars now
- flickering with residual power.
- Hurt! Pain! It had been beaten. The long narrow beast had won. Its
- comrade had been winged, but the hunter had become sloppy. It
- deserved to die.
- "Yes!" Dean shouted triuphantly.
- Hermandez and Halk were similarly celebrating, even the dour Karma
- was smiling.
- "Assemble an away team Number one. Let's get to the bottom on this."
- Warner ordered.
- "Yes sir." she said excitedly. With a quick roll call Karma,
- Hermandez and Dean followed her off the bridge.
- As crewmen filled their places on the bridge, Warner watched the
- hunter. It was finally still, the power residue now extinguished.
- * * *
- "Unhhh!" Murvek awoke to the acrid smell of burning flesh and a sharp
- pain in his left arm. He moved awkwardly in his chair to see the
- source of the pain and gasped in horror. "This is not my arm!" he
- thought, but he knew it was. The arm was awash in blood and was in a
- position that the Cardassian knew his arm wouldn't normally be in.
- After propping it up as best he could he looked around and took in
- what was left of the bridge.
- The far wall where the science stations and the Gul's office stood
- was covered in thick black smoke. Thankfully the computer had engaged
- the ventilation system and the smoke was being sucked away or they
- all would have been dead long ago. Which can't be a bad prospect. He
- thought as the numbing pain tore through him again.
- As he glanced around he saw that Qunamal was slumped over her control
- board. He knew death when he saw it. So too was the Engineer, infact
- they all looked dead to him and he jumped when a moan came from
- Ocett.
- Gul Ocett awoke to see utter devestation before her. The bridge was
- smashed with conduits and wiring hanging down through the once proud
- and bold bridge dome. She turned to see the tactical rail broken
- clean in half with a girder of pure duranium skewering it and the
- weapons officer.
- A cough made her turn to see Murvek trying to pull himself free of
- his controls. She made a quick calculation. With the bridge wrecked,
- they had a one in three chance of survival. Her mind was already
- planning out a repair programme and an explaination to Central
- Command. The Liburnium class warship seemed a far off prospect.
- "What do we do now Kaleena?" came a whisper of a voice from beside
- her. She turned to see her close friend, the ship's political
- officer, near to death. His normally healthy light purple complexion
- was darkening, hemoraging was taking place.
- "Don't speak Gervak, we have been slightly set back." she said almost
- kindly. Gervak was the closest thing she had to a friend.
- "You're mistaken Gul Ocett, you have failed in your mission." he
- replied. He then began to laugh a deep hacking belly laugh. Then he
- died.
- Ocett lay there, on the deck next to her friend. He was right, she
- had failed. She awkwardly began to rise. Murvek was by her side
- instantly. She looked at his shattered arm, he was still active when
- many Cardassians would have been resting. Perhaps he wasn't as much
- of a worm as she had presumed.
- "Murvek, you have the bridge." she said. As she limped to the
- decklift she decided that something needed to be said. "I was in
- error of my judgement Murvek, you are strong."
- "Thank you Gul." he said, pride killing the pain in his arm.
- Ocett entered the lift. Murvek knew her course of action. She had so
- much pride that he knew another embarassment like this would be too
- much for her. That left him as the senior officer on the ship. Gul
- Murvek, he liked that.
- * * *
- In a shower of blue and white light the six away team members
- materialised. Halk was first to adjust her eyes to the dim and pulled
- out her tricorder. Hermandez began to give orders to the two security
- guards who had joined the command crew. Karma darted backwards and
- forwards overhead listening to Hermandez and reading the oversized
- padd containing a map.
- Dean produced a palm lamp and illuminated some of the shadowed
- recesses in the walls.
- "This is the strangest corridor I've ever seen." he commented. Halk
- saw what he meant. The corridor was smooth and cylindrical, with
- various passageways leading off from the main one they were in. The
- branching tunnels were all smaller than theirs, the smallest would
- have been a tight squeeze even for Karma.
- "What kind of people fly this thing?" Dean asked out loud.
- Hermandez now had a guard at either end of the passage where it
- promptly curved away. Their palm lights were visible but a subtle
- mist disguised their features.
- "The passage is like a vein." She commented.
- Karma flew down low. "An interesting idea. You might be closer to the
- truth than you think." She said cryptically.
- "What do you mean?" Halk asked, clearly puzzled.
- Karma was about to say something wbhen a deep roar shook the tunnel.
- "What was that?" Hermandez demanded.
- A shout came from the guard behind them. He came running forward.
- "What's the problem, ensign?" Halk asked.
- He was suddenly silhouetted by a green flourescent glow. He was
- caught up in the glowing liquid and swept towards them.
- Halk slapped her communicator. "Halk to Vanguard." She was greeted by
- static.
- Dean ran a tricorder over the walls. "They seem to have properties
- which affect our communicator's subspace transmitions."
- The liquid came nearer. A warmth hit them all, it was accompanied by
- a strange smell.
- "Run!" Halk ordered.
- The away team moved as one towards the other guard. When they rounded
- the corner the saw him already running. The liquid came nearer and
- nearer as it flooded down the passageway.
- "I think we've found the blood Macha!" Dean said to her. She didn't
- reply but just kept running. The guard ahead suddenly vanished.
- "Where did he go?" Halk asked puzzled.
- Karma shot forward and covered the distance to the previous position
- of the security guard in a few seconds. She looked down in horror.
- "Don't come any further." she called to the party.
- "Why?" Dean asked, skidding to a halt infront of Karma. He suddenly
- felt his footing slip. With a gasp he pitched forward and disappeared
- from Halk's view.
- She and Hermandez stopped in time to avoid falling down a huge hole
- in the tunnel. Halk had dropped her lamp on the dash and so grabbed
- Hermandez's. She shined it downwards, the beam was swallowed up by
- darkness after a few metres. The gurgling roar became louder and Halk
- turned to see the glowing liquid come crashing towards her. It had
- flooded the tunnel behind her, she was out of options.
- "Maintain all p-" she began, but was cut off mid sentence by a wave
- of green smashing into her. She tumbled with Hermandez and Karma into
- the ravine. And into darkness.
- * * *
- Warner watched the hunter drift slowly by. Further away the
- Cardassian warship stood stationary, her crew obviously hard at work
- repairing her. He had offered assistance but had been politely told
- to mind his own business and to vacate the demilitarised zone. It
- would only be a matter of time before ships arrived from either
- Starfleet, the Federation colonies or Cardassian space. He had sent
- a comunique to the nearest Starbase informing them of the situation.
- The Cardassian ship had sent no such transmissions to it's home
- territory. This puzzled Warner, he didn't trust Gul Murvek one bit.
- "Have the away team signaled us yet?" he asked the lieutenant at Ops.
- "Negative sir. My sensors cannot detect them, although that is
- probably because of the materials which compose the hull."
- Warner hit his comm-badge. "Warner to transporter room one, can you
- get a lock on the away team yet?"
- "Sorry sir, I'm still trying." Came the short reply.
- Warner only hoped they were alright.
- * * *
- Dean awoke to find himself on the floor of a vast chamber. He was
- soaked through to his skin. He appeared to be on a slightly tilted
- floor. The green liquid was lapping his boots, it was like a complex
- artificial lake. He seemed to be on the shore. Washed up, he thought.
- He couldn't see the others, although it was dark in the chamber. The
- green water was giving off a strange glow which lit the room poorly.
- He could see the ceiling which was a good ten metres above him. A
- rythmic beating could be heard in the background. Across the 'lake' a
- flashing light caught his attention. Deciding it was the others he
- set off. If I can navigate a four hundred and sixty seven metre long
- Starship, I should be able to find my way around a big puddle.
- Halk had awoken to a stabbing pain in her back. Oh my god, I'm
- paralysed, she thought, then she realised that she wouldn't feel
- anything if that were the case. She rolled over to find that she had
- been lying on Karma, who had been biting and punching her to get her
- off.
- Hermandez and the guard, Carstairs, were already awake a little way
- down what looked like an artificial shore. They made their way
- towards Halk and the party pooled their resources. They had lost
- their tricorders and palm lights. Hermandez still had her phaser but
- no one else did. The poorly lit chamber wasn't enough to stop people
- bumping into each other as they moved around searching for Dean.
- Karma fared the worst and said as much.
- "Then keep out of my way!" Halk said irritably.
- "There isn't enough light, I can't help stepping on you." Hermandez
- apologised. "Why don't you fly?"
- "Because I'm exhausted!" Karma whined. "It's not easy levitating your
- body, it requires a lot of effort."
- "Why don't you shut up then!" Halk snapped.
- Karma lapsed into a sullen silence.
- "Karma can you come over here." Hermandez called. "I need the light
- your telekinetic field gives off to check my phaser settings."
- "Can't you punch it up a bit?" Halk asked.
- "What like this?" Karma asked.
- Dean saw a small super nova erupt on the bank a few hundred metres
- ahead. He began to jog towards it.
- Halk let her eyes get ajusted to the gloom again. "That wasn't
- helpful Karma!" She snapped.
- "I thought you said-" Karma began.
- "Just a little bit more!" Halk explained.
- "Oh." Karma replied, her field glowing slightly more. "How's that."
- "Fine." Halk replied, walking again.
- Karma flew forward to lead the way.
- "Well done Tinkerbell." Halk muttered to herself.
- A faint shout caught her ear. She turned to see where it had come
- from, but darkness obsucured the caller. The language used was
- Federation standard, so the chances were it was Dean.
- "Macha, Karma, I think I can hear Dean."
- They turned round and began to walk back on themselves. Shortly they
- regrouped with Dean.
- At first progress was slow. Navigating round the lake was easy. The
- problem was finding a way out. Eventually Karma spotted a tunnel
- leading out, similar in design to the first passageway they beamed
- into. They progressed down it for a few minutes, the same series of
- smaller inlets dotted the walls. Karma flew up one of them and
- remained there for nearly ten minutes.
- "What is Karma doing?" Halk said wearily.
- She returned through the opening and dropped something on the floor.
- Halk picked it up.
- "It's a Romulan padd!" She exclaimed.
- "Yes, and there's a whole room full of bits and pieces like that. I
- found a shuttle from the Crystallio and a hull plate from the
- Draken... It's like a Nausican trophy room."
- "Are there any other entrances?" Halk asked.
- "Not that I could see."
- "Now all we have to do is figure out where to go now." Dean said
- gloomily.
- "Cheer up Lieutenant." Halk replied stopping in the shadows. She
- pulled something upwards and a pale light illuminated her face. "I
- think were close by to the controller of this ship."
- "How do you know that?" he said puzzled. Then he realised that she
- was looking through a circular portal. He peered through it.
- "I would say that was a safe bet." He agreed as his eyes searched the
- incomprehensibly huge room through the doorway.
- As the team entered the chamber, their footsteps echoed round. The
- sheer size of the room was unbelievable. It seemed at least two
- kilometres high and impossibly wide, it took their breath away.The
- ceiling was partialy obscured by the same pale mist they found in the
- tunnel when they first beamed in.
- "This thing's bigger than space dock!" Dean cursed.
- "You could park the Vanguard in here." Karma gasped.
- "How is that possible?" Halk asked. "This ship is smaller than ours."
- "Let's find out." Hermandez replied. She pointed to a tall pillar in
- the centre of the cavernous structure.
- "The controller?" Dean wondered.
- "It's a long way away." The guard said to Hermandez.
- She looked at it. It was probably twenty kilometres to the core.
- "Then we had better start walking."